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tv   This Week With Christiane Amanpour  ABC  February 20, 2011 9:00am-10:00am EST

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this week -- people power making history. a revolt in the midwest. [ chanting ] and a revolution sweeping across the middle east. state of siege, we take you to wisconsin where firefighters and teachers have stormed the capitol. lawmakers are in hiding. and the tea party is fighting back. bob woodruff with the real story inside the bat until the heartland. >> we won in november. elections have consequences. >> our "roundtable" will ask, will this spread around the rest of the country? as cuts get deep, who should bear the pain?
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and freedom fever, the late fres the middle east, where bloody protests force another key ally to do the unthinkable. and the young internet revolutionaries that tell us how they engineered the fall. this week, people power starts right how to. good morning. populist frustration is boiling over this week. not just in the middle east. but in the middle of the country as well. a budget war threatens to shout down the federal government. and now union workers fighting back are tying state and local governments in knots. ground zero, madison, wisconsin. abc news' bob woodruff is on the ground. he joins me now. good morning, bob.
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>> reporter: good morning. >> they're fighting the cuts to benefits and the union's right to bargain. somewhat driving the people that you have met there? does it look like there's an end in sight? >> well, that's a good question. this has been a huge event. the weather is changes today. they think it will be about 6 inches of snow today. hopefully that will come to an end as well. the numbers are impressive. about 68,000 people estimated to be here yesterday. most of them were teacher union members. yesterday, also for the first time, the tea party supporters. [ chanting ] >> hey, hey, ho, ho! >> i say no! >> reporter: is this what the future of american politics looks like? i don't think we have ever had anything like this. >> this is unprecedented for our times.
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>> reporter: in madison, the capitol building is still swelling with protesters. a near total takeover. ♪ our house in the middle of our streets our house ♪ >> reporter: tens of thousands in the street, too, determined to thwart a bill. >> what's disgusting? >> all: union busting. >> reporter: how do you get better teachable moments than this. >> you don't like what is going on, you don't sit back and watch. you don't wait until the next election cycle. we tell them right away we don't like it. >> reporter: the protesters are furious with the governor's plan. they have dominated the scene here since last monday. for the first time, this weekend, they had company.
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[ chanting ] >> all: go, scott, go! go, scott, go! >> reporter: this is a tale of two rallies. the union on this side. and then you come over here to the tea party. >> all: pass the bill, pass the bill! >> reporter: on one side, you have kill the bill. on the other side, you have pass the bill. [ chanting ] >> reporter: the crowd supporting the governor came from around the state to deliver a clear message. >> we're not going to negotiate. why would we? we won in november. elections have consequences. that's as simple as that. we won, they lost. that's what's going happen. the bill is going to be passed. >> reporter: we met lou early in the morning. 110 miles way from the capitol,
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as he and fellow tea party supporters boarded a bus bound for madison. he's a small government conservative, eager for his voice to be heard in the debate. >> i want to see the state move forward. in order to do that, many of news the private sector have had to sacrifice. i think it's necessary we all share that sacrifice. it hit home for me. my wife is a teacher. it's going to cost our family money. it's the right thing to do. i support it. >> reporter: while he was heading to town, chemistry teacher anthony schnell and his family were deep in the family routine. >> the immediate effect on our family, we'll make about $500 a month less for anthony's paycheck. my husband loves being a teacher. he loves education, working with kids. for him to say i might have to
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leave this again, it's heart breaking. >> it's not about the money, not about the ben it thes. that will hit us. we don't like it. but it's about having input in the classes. input with the school board. input with what happens. >> reporter: anthony's been coming to the protests all week. the tea party presence weighed on his mind. >> i'm nervous about today. i just don't know what's going happen. . >> reporter: understand inside the room, he lost the butterflies and began working the crowd. >> is this a budget fight? >> no. >> is it just about money? >> all: no. >> is it about us doing the best we can in our classrooms? >> all: yeah. >> it's huge. if it happens here, it will
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happen in the rest of the country. >> reporter: in the rotunda, vs. a flavor of a '60s era sit-in. in fact, some said it's the biggest demonstration they have seen here since the vietnam war. you doing this every day until the bill is killed? >> i think it will happen every day until the bill is killed. i don't think the people will give up the right to collective bargaining. >> i'm here because this is wrong. this shotgun legislation, ramming it through, the it's wrong way to deal with problems. it's not about me. it's about trying to do the best we can for society and communities. >> reporter: do you think it will be peaceful? >> i think so. i think the tensions will be high. it will stay civil. wait, not civil, lit stay peaceful. >> reporter: lou got an earful from the pro-labor crowd as he
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made his way to the tea party legislation. >> we won, you lost. we won, you lost! you lost. you lost. deal with it. >> this is what you -- >> i'm not going to change any of their minds. they're committed enough to drive here and make science. just like they're not going to change my minds. there's limited return in talking to them. >> reporter: some families are divided. julie supports the coverager. her 13-year-old does not. >> me 13-year-old went to school yesterday and the teachers spoke to her about it. >> reporter: you think she believed it or because of the one lesson from the teacher. jeff is here for the tea party. his brother-in-law is a union worker. >> we had a big e-mail debate online. it was civil, courteous.
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we tried to educate each other. but we're never going to agree. he's on this side, i'm on this side. we can talk about it. >> reporter: will you have a peaceful christmas dinner together? >> as long as there's beer there, we'll be peaceful. >> reporter: late saturday, the govern issued a statement. here in wisconsin, the standoff continueser for now. for "this week" i'm bob woodruff in madison, wisconsin. >> is wisconsin just the beginning? states from coast to coast are grappling with this question, in desperate economic times, which americans should sacrifice the most? i'll put that to "the roundtable" coming up next. and later, on trouble in the middle east changes up tthings the american allies. i'll have an exclusive vinterviw
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some of what i have heard coming out of wisconsin, where you're just making it harder for public employees to collectively bargain generally seems like more of an assault on unions. i think it's important for us to understand, public employees are our neighbors and friends. they make sacrifices. they make contributions. think it's not fair to vilify them. president obama igniting a national conversation about which americans should feel the pain of the budget ax. with pitched battles going on right now in washington and state houses from florida to wisconsin to california. we me now, the "roundtable."
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george will, congressman steve suterland, a freshman from florida. he was elected to public office for the first time last november and sent her to washington on a mission to cut spending. abc senior political correspondent jonathan karl and political strategist donna brazi brazile, who calls herself labor democrat. is this is political and philosophical debate going on right now? >> it would have been even in the president hadn't intervened. in the span of three days, he first submits a bumg that would increase the federal deficit. two days later, he mobilizes his own party, organized labor to sabotage wisconsin's attempt to do what he will not do, which is deal with the insolvency of
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their government. he's set the stage for 2012 by saying the democratic party is the party of government because the base is in public employees. >> so, donna, mobilizing his troops, sabotaging the effort to cut the budget, he did use the word assault, the president. is that too much? what is going on here? >> well, praul, they're entering day seven of the protests. the president commented on it in day four of the protest. this is a grass roots movement that had nothing to do with people or politicians in washington, d.c. it has everything to do with the workers in wisconsin and all across the country feeling the effects of the draconian budget cuts. state and local workers have taken the brunt of the cuts. they're willing to come to the table to put forward more wage cuts, pay up more money for the
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pension. more for the health care. why won't the goferer sit down with them? that's they'll want. they want to talk about the items. they want the collective bargaining right removed from the discussion. >> is this a move for the union? >> you bet. union participation is at an all-time low. they're using the pretense of a budget battle to destroy collective bargaining rights. >> so, mr. sutherland, what is this about? it's happening in your state as well? >> it is. with nearly all of the states requiring a balanced budget amendment, they don't have any choi choice. we see similar things happening in florida.
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you're seeing it in new jersey and wisconsin. because they're bound by the limit of a balanced budget, which i'm in favor of at the federal level, you'll see this around the country. you -- look, the american family is learning they have to do more with less. and the same expectation i think is fair of the governments, both state and federal. >> is it just about the budget, jon, or does madison have a bigger political implication? >> it's clearly got a bigger implication. the president was clear and critical denouncing scott walker, more so than hosni mubarak. the state of wisconsin, this is arguably ground zero for the 2012 campaign. if the president loses this state, he's almost certainly not going to win the re-election. this state has been solidly democratic.
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a bigger move than any other state in 2010. captured the state legislature, two house seats, two sfat seats. democrats see danger signs for next year. >> governor walker was elected promising to do what he's doing. he did the same thing as county executive. he was handily re-elected. the heros of the labor movement, franklin roosevelt and fiorello laguardia said, there's though place for that. 24 states deny entirely collective bargaining rights. all the governor wants to do is limit the collective bargaining to talks about wajs. what is draconian about that?
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>> they would like to have a voice at the table. they don't want the collective bargaining rights. the governor has cherry picked what public workers he'll sukt to this so-called removal of the collective bargaining rights. the firefighters and the police officers, they don't have to worry about their rights. they supported him. over 400,000 state and local employees have lost their jobs during the duration of the recessi recession. they're willing to come to the table to talk about reducing the budget deficit. not on the backs of working people. >> let me ask you, because you brought up, george, when the governor was the county executive in milwaukee. it boils down to shared sacrifice. where is the sacrifice going to be borne the most? i want to ask you, the layoffs that the goncher had announced
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back then in 2003. decimated the country's public -- reduced a number of county social workers, correction sters, january tors. park bathrooms, pools closed, trash piled up so high. does it goat a point where too much is too much or not? >> and he's re-elected. >> that was my next question. >> the public liked what he di.? >> you see an organic movement. you have grass roots people out there saying, no more. no more budget cuts on the back of working people. the governor proposed tax give aways to corporations. he campaigns on that. >> the people like representative southerland came here to make those cuts. >> i come from a small business and 40% of the jobs lost in this
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recession came from small business. it makes up 85% of our economy. i look at the retirement benefits and the benefit packages most small businesses offer to their employees, they peal in comparison to the federal programs. i think many people that work in small businesses are depending upon their social security as their retirement. >> what you call the grass roots is a tiny minority of the tiny minority of people in wisconsin. the teachers were clutching the signs while 300 people went to work. they were abandoning their classrooms, tlig supervisors and going off to protest. if the governor cuts them as money as he balance to do would leave them better off than the private sector --
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>> why are we scapegoating the public sector imploe y imploye- when the wall street people are reaping the benefits. >> do you think, as some have said, this is just an opportunity for union busting? >> i'm not sure if that is the focus. >> some are saying. >> i want to say something about donna's comments. >> remember you're a freshman. and i'm your first woman on national tv. be careful. >> i'm in the a freshman at running our small business. you talk about bankers lending. community banks are being hammered. they're coming in, being taken over. they can't loan money.
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small banks in the communities are critical to the flavor of our communities. we can't get capital. that's a regulation issue. >> something that should be addressed. >> i think we will. >> walk sir going right at the public employee unions. part of sit because of the experience he had in 2003. he said he would haven't had to make all those cuts if he had gotten a better deal. >> but other goenchers are saying that as well, mario q ir oromarioc -- cuomo? >> who? >> not to the heart of the union employee but the uniyor leader ship. >> the unions want to come to the table. they want to contribute 12%. we want to give you $30 billion for this fiscal year that ends on june 30th.
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and over the next two years, $300 million in concessions. you don't walk away from the table and you don't walkway from the table when lab sir ready to negotiate. tea party revolutionaries on capitol hill. which side will blink first? hehehey, did you ever finish last month's invoices? sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get back to these invoices... which i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business.
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while going shoeless and metal-free in seconds. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. now this...will work. [ male announcer ] just like you, business pro. just like you. go national. go like a pro. our goal here is to cut spending. when we say we're going cut spending. read my lips, we're going cut spending. >> house speaker john boehner drawing a line in the sand. sure enough, yesterday, the house passed the biggest spending cut in modern american history. now it goes to the democrat-controlled senate. it sets up a clash of ideas. it sets the stage for a possible
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government shutdown. joining me once again, george will, congressman steve southerland from florida. jonathan karl, and donna brazile. you're man on capitol hill. this was the first shot in the big battle over spending cuts. really, people like congressman southerland showed their muscle. >> this is the tea party's moment. washington has never cut spending. we're talking about how much. even the democrats. even nancy pelosi came out with a measure that would continue government funding temporarily, freezing it laths year's level. that is what democrats would traditionally call a cut. you're not going with inflation. this is also the chris christie phenomenon. will politicians be rewarded for making tough choices? >> do you care about being
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rewarded for making tough choices? >> i think the americans recognize the brutal reality that we're broke. we have seen record deficits. and the budget that the president introduced this past week just continues to put the pedal to the metal. we're at a $1.5 trillion deficit this year alone. we talk about draconian efforts. it's leaving our children with debt that splintered them. >> what happens in the real world? >> i'm not naive to the fact that the senate will make its changes. it will not be what we produced yesterday at 5:00 a.m. >> you're prepared for half of that? >> i'm interested.
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i'm eager to see what happens. i doint thin't think it will be same form as yesterday morning. >> where will this go? >> the democratic senators have to decide, as does the president, do they want to spend the next two years blocking in the senate or vetoing on the president's desk, spending bills because they believe their too small. the democratic senators have to decide if out of a $15 trillion economy, the economy will be hurt by cutting $60 billion. they have to decide whether out of a $3.7 trillion budget there is not $60 billion in essential spending. >> who will blink first? you've been briefed. i know you've been talking to leadership about these matters. >> this is very difficult. we all recognize we have to begin to cut spending. the house democrats, the senate
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democrats, the president has submitted a budget. the 2012 budget that will slow the rate of growth and bring down the federal deficit to 3% of gdp by 2015. yeah, president obama has a little bit of fiscal conservativism in his. this is primal scream politics. it cuts essential vital, necessary services. gor george, it's people -- students in college right now with pell grants that have to face cuts. p preschoolers that may not be able to go to school on the morning after may 4th if we don't continue. i think it's draconian. it's bad for the country, bad for the economy, it slows down economic growth when things are finally moving up.
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>> do you think it will lead to a shut wroun? >> i think it will. john boehner's been telling people privately he will not allow a government shut down. the question is can he produce? the time line is, they just did this. the house and the senate are gone for the next week. they have four days when they get back to work out an agreement. if they don't do it by the end of the four day we're at a shut down. >> what will happen? what kind of pressure are you going to put on the speaker? >> i think, the republicans we have no desire to have a government shutdown. i think speaker boehner does not want to see that. we had over 500 amendments. we voted on 70. it was amazing to see the process, democrats voting with republicans on amendments. the will of the floor was heard.
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>> will your colleagues go along with something that doesn't cut spending? >> it's going have to cut spending. we're going have to cut spending. >> the corporation came up with $30 billion in spending cuts. the conserve tys, you guys decided you needed $30 billion more. >> the politics of a shutdown sunk newt gingrich. will it sink speaker boehner? >> we're talking about over the next seven months. food safety workers will be impacted. people across the board. >> bribes for anyone that will buy a chevrolet volt. >> that, will be -- >> the metro. we need to get the bicycle out, george. >> you can care ry on your conversation in the green room. next, i ask hillary clinton
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coming up next, the revolution will be tweeted and posted and blogged and texted as pro-democracy pro tests get bigger in the middle east. the road ahead. my exclusive interview with secretary of state hillary clinton. next.
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in the middle east overnight, the popular uprising sweeping the region have taken the most violent turn yet. it happened in libya. protesters have been calling for the removal of the strong man,
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moammar gadhafi, the leader there for years. the military is firing on protesters after gaining their confidence and being welcomed into the crowd. a doctor gave a radio interview. >> oh, my god, they're firing on civilians here. they're crazy. they're going crazy here. >> there are reports of hundreds dead and thousands wounded. they madged on the capital here. the unrest the blamed on a foreign plot. and in bahrain, the home of the u.s. navy's fifth fleet, demonstrators retook the square where the calls for reform have now given way for calls for the king to step down. bahrain is a logistical hup and command setter fn u.s. operations in iraq and
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afghanistan. last night, the crown prince offed to open up a dialogue with the proe ttesters. >> reporter: yesterday, the country appeared poised for civil war. now it's a celebration at pearl square. it appears we're headed for a negotiated political settlement. in order the get the settlement they want, these protesters are willing to stay for the long haul. they've set up tents all the way around the square here. they're serving food. that tea is called freedom tea and they're very organized. this is the men's section. right back here, the people in black, that's the women's section. [ chanting ] the big question is, what will get these protesters to go home. they want a constitutional democra democracy. they want the king to become a
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figure head. they want the prime minister who has been in power for 40 years, to go home. these protesters want a significant deal, after all the blood that has been shed here this week. it's not clear what will convince them to pack up the tents and go home. >> we'll keep watching bahrain and the other uprisings. president obama called bahrain's king, he did that on friday. the administration once again finds itself in a bit of a bind. as freedom activists face off with an authoritarian ally. secretary of state hillary clinton walked a fine line when i spoke to her exclusively on friday. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> how do you assess bahrain?
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is it stable? >> we have been clear we don't want to see violence. we very much want to see the human rights of the people protected, including right to assessme assemb assemb assemble. we want to see them get back to that as quickly as possible. >> what will the united states do? will it hold bahrain to a similar standard as egypt? >> we try to hold everyone to a similar standard. we cannot dictate the outcomes. we can't tell a country what they're going to do. >> as americans sit and watch and try to make sense of what is going on in the arab muslim word. is the emerging new order good for america? what should america make of it? >> i think in general, americans are in favor of human rights, freedom, democracy. we know that the most progress that can be made on behalf of
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human beings anywhere is when those individuals are empowered. when they have governments that are responsive. that's what we want to see. this process can be hijacked by both outside and inside elements within any country. what tragedy to see what happened in iran. there was a great deal of hope and pent up feeling that the time had come in 1979. and look at what iran is doing today. >> you want democracy. you speak about democracdemocra. can you control it? should you? do you have to take the chips and let them fall where they may if you want democracy? >> i think we have to start from the bayic premise. democracy is not one election that then, whoever wins it, decides never to have another one. we want to work with those forces within societies that are yearning for change to make sure
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that they have the support needed. and frankly, the technical assistance, financial assistance to make it through to what is a good outcome. what they have asked for. >> i want to ask you about this. it's a beautiful layout. i'm struck by the imagery. you're there, beautiful, but in a corner. >> i just do what photographers tell me to do. it has no metaphorical meaning for me. >> i want to ask you. do you feel if a corner right now, or on a tight rope, trying to balance the need for stability in countries where we have access or your values in democracy wants it for the people there. is that a struggle? >> it's a challenge. not only at this point of time in the middle east, it is a --
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an inherent challenge in diploma diplomacy. we want to advance security, values, and interests. if there were one template to be imposed, i wouldn't need to have this job, and nobody else would either. it's often a balancing act. >> are you at a turning point? at a tectonic shift? >> we deal with, you know, so many countries around the world. some of whom are closer to our values who see their interests in ways we do. some are on the opposite end of the spectrum. >> in the middle east, the strategic interests have been with the autocratic leaders. do you believe that a democratic people could be a force for much more stability? longer term stability?
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>> well, ultimately, a really, truly functioning, comprehensive democracy has been historically proven to be greater force for stability. navigating through what are difficult choices for societies that are doing that transition is something that the united states encourages, as we did after the fall of the berlin wall. and will continue to encourage. at the sim time -- >> will you encourage it here? >> we have been. at the sim time, we're knowledgeable enough to know that this is not an easy journey for any people to make. there are many threats and problems along the way. >> it is beyond dispute that the obama administration scaled back the democracy and freedom movement. the funds for ngos were cut back
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and were directed to next gos supported by the mubarak regime. was that a mistake? >> i reject the premise. >> it's indisputable. >> it's not. that's just not the case. there were differences in approach under the same set of goals to try to promote democracy, economic opportunity, women's rights, labor organizing. there are many different ways i think all of us, different administrations, different experts, have struggled with. there's to debate that for 30 years, republican and democratic administrations alike sent the same message to mr. mubarak and the rejeej. none of us were particularly successful. we kept running into an absolute
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rejection. we tried many different approaches. we'll try many different ones in different settings as well. >> is the state department just had an arabic twitter account, a farsi twitter account. >> have you been following it? >> i'm following it all. >> we expect to be communicating through the new social media with millions of people around the world. we want them to hear directly from us what some of our policies are. we want to be able to rebut false accusationaccusations. we want to be in the mix with the incredible, young, energetic population that is seeking the same rights as young people in the united states. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> and this week, secretary clinton called on governments around the world to allow free
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access to the internet. when we return, we'll take you inside the revolution with the revolutionaries that launched a movement. ♪ [ cow mooing ] ♪ [ male announcer ] at ge, we're using biogas technology to create energy using organic waste from sources like landfills, compost, and even cows. it's something any fan of renewable energy can get excited about. ♪ guilty. [ cheers and applause ] i'm here with the defendant. sir, the plaintiff claims she changed her travel plans, paid the difference in airfare, but you added a 150-dollar change fee. oh, boo hoo. who can afford a 150-dollar change fee? me. well, she says she's going to fly southwest next time because they don't do that. they love customers, i love cash. [ male announcer ] don't pay a change fee on top of a fare difference.
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america. two anonymous activists kept the online movement a alive. they told us their stories this week. it was not with tanks but with text. incredibly, one of the key players in the online youth movement that helped bring down hosni mubarak was a 31-year-old egyptian american that was in washington. >> people said, what should we do? i was like, i don't know. i never started a revolution before. >> reporter: a year ago, nadine connected online with the young marketing executive. >> they are people not have been ruining the country. they're so 1970s. we're so 2010. >> reporter: they had been trying to mobilize demonstrations through facebook since june of last year. at first, the protests were
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small. on january 25th, they posted this page called for a protest that mushroomed into a full-scale revolt. how? a week earlier, not so far way in tunisia, young people had forced out their authoritarian president. they took advantage of an explosion of social media. in the last four years, it's elect t elect t electrified the arab muslim world. is this the reason? >> it's a planning tool. an organizing tool. >> reporter: bobby's been reporting on the movement for time magazine. it's been the key to spreading revolutions further. >> they can talk to each other. it shows them they're not alone. >> reporter: arab satellite television played a role.
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electrified by what happened in tunis, they called for an event in tahrir square. >> i saidly try to make it 1 million if 300,000 make it happen. >> reporter: they spoke aanonymously. >> on pages, personal accounts, on groups that have very specific instructions from tunisia to egyptian. and -- it give use intruxs on how to deal with the tear gas. how to deal with police. what time of the day to go to the street. tow do deal with rubber bullets. >> reporter: the facebook page became the corner cafe, the place to meet, recruit, share
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ideas. >> one of the ideas we're trying to create, it originated, the idea to go to popular areas and bring people from the popular areas to specific public squares. [ chanting ] >> reporter: after a week of protests, the mubarak regime shut down the internet. wael was acrerrested. he had already made a plan. >> if he disappears, i should take over the page. if he was arrested, it was suspected he would be investigated. the page had stopped working at the time. that it would be incriminating for him. >> reporter: half a world away, nadine set up a makeshift war room in a d.c. townhouse. >> it became topsy-turvy. it became surreal. >> reporter: therm determined to keep the page up and running.
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>> people were saying, they're not going to come for you here. i was terrified. >> reporter: at the same time, in cairo, ahmed continued the work that wael started. >> when i wake up in the morning, i called people. i posted one thing. it sate i'm going tar rear. >> reporter: even they were stunned when wae lerks was released an hosni mubarak stepped aside. >> i'm proud to be an egyptian. i've seen the heros in the streets doing things i never thought egyptians would do. in 15 days, egyptians learned what it means to be involved in politics. >> reporter: that moment emboldened the middle east. people believe they can break the grip of oppressive regimes.
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how wired is the whole rege on? >> it's substantially wired. even people who you would say are quite poor live in the old city, 20 people to a small home. they have a cell phone that will have a camera. if they can afford it, lit have internet or e-mail sft. >> reporter: in bahrain, the protesters in pearl square have makeshift charging stations. >> it plays a big role in gathering people, giving them instructions. go here. not go. go there. okay, this place is dangerous. don't try to attack police. >> reporter: in yemen, this man is helping to mobilize young people by posting photos on facebook. >> they go out and demonstrate. they're young people. out there to ask the better of the countries. and ask for advice.
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>> reporter: thousands turned out and forced their president to take back his plan to make himself president for life. watching this wave weech its borders, saudi arabia is desperately trying to contain it. it set up a facebook page where the chief of the royal court encourages you to post it directly. if you fax it in, they guarantee a response in 24 hours. in iran, despite the country's attempts to block it, 90% of the hits still come from iran. are the people doing this friendly to the united states? >> they are suspicious of the united states. most of them, their entire lives. they're not viscerally anti-american. we're not seeing american flags being burns. we're not seeing the president or hillary clinton being hung in effigy.
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if the u.s. can conduct smart diplomacy, i think it's possible to get other that hump of suspicion. >> reporter: it was not just motivated by these people. but by forces that have sparked revolution throughout history. the fight for basic freedom connects us all. >> they had no borders. >> it's much bigger than any of us. it showed a different model other than violence. you sea people come together if a way gnat was just wonderful. >> whatever we've been fighting for since the thatth of january is now being realized. >> and i'll continue to follow the unfolding events in realtime on twitter and on my blog, my facebook page, or at we'll be right back. ♪ that's logistics ♪
9:56 am
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9:58 am
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9:59 am


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